
Monday, June 29, 2015

Breaking The Habit Of Sin

I grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone. You know those towns where church services are the highlight of one’s social life. There were not so many distractions so the church was a major social gathering. I looked forward to choir and drama practices. It was just a way of staying close to God (so I thought then) and having a great interaction with people . Anyone watching would have passed me off as a really zealous Christian as I never missed any church program but I had my struggles. I had become so used to the church that nothing entered my head or heart anymore. I wasn’t really reading my bible or doing things that would edify my spirit. I was just the typical bench warmer. I led a fairly moral life but inside of me needed an overhaul. My understanding of a relationship with God was deeply flawed. I didn’t do some  terrible things not because I didn’t want to but because I didn’t want to be judged by the church crowd.
 I had deep my spiritual struggles, I just never had the grounds to exhibit my other not-so-good traits.
As the years rolled by, I left my childhood town and I was like an animal uncaged. Not only did I forget my roots, I sunk really low.

I knew something was missing but it was just so hard to lay hold on what exactly was wrong. I answered an altar call one day- the first of many, and started making my way back to God.
I struggled with sin and at some point I almost gave up. I felt like I was never going to get it right. As I found my way out of the pit of self-condemnation, I discovered that being able to keep God’s commandments is a function of understanding that holiness is achieved by faith and God’s grace.

There are always going to be temptations. You will always have to face drunk reckless drivers that would have you cussing out before you realize what you have done. You would have a job that might make you lie about delivery time. You will sexually attracted to someone you are not married to. Long story short, you’ll discover it takes more than you saying you are born again and promising yourself to stop doing some things. You will require an inner strength that can only be of the Lord.

Someone needs to know that we are not made whole by our own power. I relied on my strength for a long time trying to fight sin but I have realized that my strength can’t make me holy, I needed to stay nourished spiritually. When you become born again, you are so fired up that you think that you can conquer sin by yourself but that always changes with time.
You’ll find yourself falling short too many times if you let yourself go.

Don’t make the same mistakes I made. Don’t think a casual stroll on the edge wouldn’t make you fall. Don’t think you know so much that you stop reading God’s words. Don’t be so contented in your own knowledge that you think there is nothing new preachers have to say.
Stay hungry. Don’t starve your spirit man.

At this delicate times, you need God more than ever. If you take in the right things, you will not have to struggle with sin, you will live comfortably above it.

May God never desert us all.

Stay blessed.


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