
Friday, October 9, 2015

Cool Parenting; Can You Get Your Teenage Daughter Birth Control Pills?

We live in new kinds of extremes-The generation of the coolest mums and dads. Everything good or bad is excused away. We have given liberal a whole new definition. It is almost absolutely normal for parents to capture their 3 and 4 year olds twerking and share it on their social media pages. I was watching a show the other day where a dad was helping his 6 year old child get ready for his first kissHe referred to it as puppy love.
I shouldn’t be acting shocked but I truly am. After reading a post by some forward thinking mums on why it is great and safe practice to get one’s teen daughter birth control pills, I am officially numb.

It is true most of us are in denial of what we suppose our kids can be up to behind our backs and it could really seem like the sensible thing to do is to prevent unpleasant surprises by taking the easy way out. But encouraging such is only going to send the wrong message to your child. 

We are enjoined to have the sex talk with our children and explain to them about safe sex and all. Administering birth control pills however is extreme and I'd explain. It is bad enough that the child is/or may be having sex, are we also making it okay for them to be having unprotected sex?

I know there are always external pressures and such things as we have no control over but how this children turn out is like eighty percent dependent on us as parents.

Parenting has never been harder seeing how overly sexualized the world has become. That is why it is necessary to build a godly foundation for these children. There is so much emphasis in the present days on the need to befriend our children so as not to alienate them but above that is also the responsibility to teach them the right virtues. We ought not to become too cool to put our feet down and lead our children the right way. Their futures are in our hands.

Not to sound too naïve, I know some kids stray despite good counsels but it will only get worse if we aid their wrong deeds. It is never alright for such deeds to be condoned however forward thinking we presume ourselves to be.

I know how dangerous the teenage years can be because I have been through it. There are many things I didn’t do despite the pressure because my mother’s voice and all the teachings I got over the years were resounding in my head.

Train your child in the way he should go so when he grows up he wouldn’t depart from it; Prov 22:6.

Lay down great moral rules in the house and let your children know there are no in between. Keep resounding the right things. Bring them up in the knowledge of the Lord, For even when you are not there, the seed of truth you have sown would grow.

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates; Deut 6:6-9.

God bless.

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