
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Uncovering Cans of Worms: Is Your Lover Truthful To You?

I attended an interview some time ago and I was wondering why in the world employers get so paranoid. They literally scrutinize all one says one is about. It doesn’t matter if one was the best spoken and made the best impression, they just still feel the need to check if one is truly who one poses to be. I remember being contacted by a relative’s HR office to check on her guarantor’s details weeks after she resumed, she probably has already forgotten she submitted such.  A friend that works in the UK told me employers even run a total background check which includes mental, criminal, health and physiological tests.  I think I might have been wrong for judging their skepticism. Events unfolding have made me realize that the human race is not the most truthful race and while it might seem to some people that conducting an investigation into details supplied by an intending employee is off the top, it is of absolute importance and is nothing personal. To be fair, I think this sort of thoroughness ought to be employed in making relationship decisions. We need not allow ourselves to be totally ruled by our emotions, some healthy dose of skepticism is allowed. I am an advocate of love and an ambassador of together forever, but even I know that uncovering some cans of worms after one might have sworn forever is not so delightful. There is a lot of oddity around the world. Imagine getting married to someone you thought you knew well only to discover he bears three totally different names and has numerous separate lives that you’re unsure of what part of him is real? How about getting infected with a deadly virus by someone that professes love for you, and knowingly too because you discovered the person has been on retroviral long ago? Given the many other awful instances, you might not find it so shocking to discover that someone whom you thought had his life together and has probably completed his degree program never even passed through high school. The thing is people have had to face even more painful surprises.  The problem in all these cases is that minds are not transparent, thereby making it hard to distinguish between lies and truth. One needs to be well informed for the sake of one’s future. Love is the word they all profess but one ought to be able to see past that, don’t be scammed by loving smiles and sugar coated words, ask the right questions. Look past the flowers and the incessant phone calls while seeking answers to whatever grey area. Who arehis/ her friends? Are you following his/her social media pages? Have you met his family members? How about going for a comprehensive blood and mental test. If you are going to take on baggage, at least be sure about the weight.Above all, seek God’s face, listen to what the Spirit says to you. 


  1. I totally agree with u, in my own case I discovered after my intro that my fiance lies a lot and he's not what he claimed to be. Thank God for my pastors that stood and say no after they've carried out their research. I would have been lost.

  2. I totally agree with u, in my own case I discovered after my intro that my fiance lies a lot and he's not what he claimed to be. Thank God for my pastors that stood and say no after they've carried out their research. I would have been lost.
