
Friday, February 5, 2016

How To Overcome Porn Addiction

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Chick flicks used to be my favorites. I discovered I didn’t have much patience trying to find out clues and read meanings to complicated metaphors when watching movies (I remember feeling this sort of impatience when I watched Inception). In my opinion, there is a lot of stress in the world already so movie time shouldn’t be as mentally consuming. All I really want is to sit down to an uncomplicated plot mixed with light humor. Since most of the chick flicks are centered on relationships, some generalizations are sometimes made. Fornication is never a big deal and I have seen a few where possession of pornographic materials is portrayed as healthy (well, that is just before it becomes an addiction).

This particular theme got me thinking about the consequences of pornographic addiction especially after reading three different posts on the same day by different people on different forums crying out for help with regards to their spouses’ porn addiction.

Sadly, there are many things that are immoral but are seen as norms in the society and one of such is the ever growing porn industry that is probably worth billions of dollars just like the alcohol and tobacco industries. The industry thrives on perversion so there are lots of propaganda that make it seem healthy just before one discovers just how addictive it can become. It sometimes starts as a curiosity and then it goes into an overdrive. The internet makes accessibility so much easier. There is even a company that erected masturbation booths in New York recently to help relieve stress. The booth is said to be well equipped with pornographic magazines and other materials that makes it a ‘pleasurable experience’. This means it is acceptable for one to casually stroll to this booth during break time or some other time solely for self-gratification. People caught in this addictive web form other unhealthy habits such as incessant self-gratification, unhealthy sexual appetites and fantasies, some even rape to fulfil their heightened desires.

The ills that can develop from this addiction cannot be over emphasized. Some people find it hard to maintain regular relationships with the opposite sex while some who are lucky enough to get married,  discover that they are unable to satisfy their partners due to lack of stimulation which they have become conditioned to get only from watching or looking at pornographic materials. Some also find that they consistently compare their partners to the images they watch. This breeds a very dissatisfying marriage and lifestyle generally. There are believers that have been caught in this dangerous web of self destruction.

The ultimate question now becomes “How does one overcome Porn addiction?”

Addiction is hard to break and the first step to recovery is accepting that there is a problem. You also have to overcome your fears of being judged and speak to those that truly care about you so that they can provide needed support. You can also reach out to different support groups, there are many online and there might be some around your community/church.

It is also very important to socialize more and engage in other activities that can keep the mind occupied enough not to slip back due to boredom.

Whatever formula you employ in your journey towards recovery, bear in mind that the most important thing is your will power to overcome. You have to gather all the inner strength you can find to keep going and not to look back. Also pray for grace and constantly read the word of God to be regularly reminded of who you are.

You can read more HERE

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