
Monday, June 27, 2016

Win The Battle of Silence in Your Life

This is the best advice I can give you because it is the best advice anyone has ever given me. Have you ever heard the saying "the best way to kill an idea is to discuss it out loud"? Well, guess what? It's true. 

Many people have fantastic ideas, and they get excited about them, and really there is nothing wrong with that. It becomes a problem however when you get so excited, you start to share your idea with everyone you meet and know. I don't know if you have ever noticed but the idea seems to lose steam the more you share it, the excitement wanes, and with time, you lose interest in it. It is not because someone is using mystical powers against you; it is because you are yet to learn how to win the battle of silence in your life. 

When God reveals an idea to you, he has only given you 10% of what you need. He has only given you the mission he wants you to embark on. He has only given you your project title. When you rush around to tell everyone what your idea is, you are exposing yourself to different opinions... many of which will differ from what God has planned for you. Exposing yourself too soon will open you up to the myopic views of other people who will highlight the 1001 ways your idea will not work. The interesting thing about such people is that they will not see your idea working but they will see every obstacle you will face along the way.... even up to the point where it succeeds but will never see the success of it. 

My advice? Stop sharing every idea you get with everyone, except God has placed a word in your heart that tells you to share it with a particular person. Let God be the one who knows your idea; let him be the one who gives you the direction you need. Let God be the one to give you the modus operandi of how you will achieve it. Stop blabbing off to everyone everywhere. When God gives you an idea, it's only 10%. You still need to hear the mission of that idea i.e the purpose for it. You need to hear the vision i.e. where God wants you to take it and how far you need to go with it. You need to hear those God wants you to partner with and the roles they are expected to play. You need to hear where God wants you to establish it. You need to hear when you have to take action. Before you go around exposing yourself to criticism, dissuasion and myopic views, hear God fully. Win the battle of silence with yourself. XOXO

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