
Monday, July 18, 2016

Waiting Period..........Which Way Forward

I have asked myself several times over and over in last 8years, "Why me, why me, why me......" but my question seem like an unanswered one. This is a typical question on the lips of every woman who is yet have children of their own after being married for more than two years. 

You look around and see those who got married after you having children even those who defiled the marital bed and those who committed adultery and fornication have given birth. You keep wondering how those who had fertility issues have children while you and your husband are yet to have children of your own even with your good fertility report. 

This springs up so many questions in you like:
  • If those who were not virgins before marriage can have children, why can't I, as a virgin, have children?
  • Why is my mother-in-law threatening to marry a second wife for my husband? 
  • Did I offend anymore who is punishing me through this means? 
  • Why hasn't God given me the blessing of children as he has done to others? 
  • Why do I keep having miscarriages?
As much as the questions keep coming, and you feel the need to have them answered so you could be at peace but the answers are not forth coming. We cannot dispute that God is the only one that gives children and no one else. Your Pastor, Prophet, Idol, Herbalist etc. will only pray to God (on your behalf) to give you children because if these set of people can give children, then no one will be waiting for more than two years after marriage for the blessing of children (food for thought). 

God allows waiting period in some marriages to glorify his name or to avert an evil or for the perfect time. 

There are certain things you can do while you wait for your own blessing of children:
  1. Rejoice with others - Your blessing will come when you rejoice with those celebrating the birth of their little ones. It's not the time to be sober when you hear that a friend or family member put to bed, visit that friend or family member and buy gifts for the little ones.
  2. Be happy - Always wear a happy countenance despite your situation. Don't give others the reason to see you as a victim who needs to be encouraged all the time. A child does not want a sad mum or dad, so don't push your child away with your sad looks.
  3. Worship Him - Create time to worship God every day for at least 10mins. Commune with your maker and take your supplications to him.
  4. Read Books - You can read books on pregnancy (there are so many of them) while you await your time of conception.
  5. Orphanage Visit - You can show love to orphans by paying regular visits to different orphanages as you wait for the blessing of your children.
It is good you keep yourself busy in your waiting period so as not to give room to deep thoughts which can make you hypertensive and sick. Your children need healthy parents to take care of them when they arrive. 

"I cannot be a baby beggar because my father is a baby maker".......Bishop Oyedepo.

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