
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

You Cannot Prepare For Marriage

This is the simple truth. It may sound mean, might even sound negative. Perhaps you feel it is wrong to put it this way, but it is the truth. As a single person, you cannot work towards getting married. Sadly, this is what many people, especially young women do - work towards getting married.

Recently, I have discovered that many young single women avoid making major decisions or big moves for fear that it might steer them away from the goal of getting married. Some women don't want to leave their city they are in because they believe the eligible bachelors are more abundant there; others want to move to certain cities because the chances of finding a man there are higher. Some women don't want to study further, Others worry about buying their first house without changing their last name. In all, many people hold themselves back in a bid to push themselves  toward marriage.

Image result for single woman hoping for marriage

Sorry to burst your bubble but all of these decisions will in no way determine whether or not you get married. Unlike a promotion at work, you cannot work towards marriage. At your workplace, you can improve your work ethic; you can increase your daily targets and meet them, you can aim for a promotion and actually get it. It is not the same with marriage. Getting married is not based on a performance evaluation. You can be an amazing person and not get asked soon enough. You can be the Proverbs 31 woman and not find a 1 Peter 3:7 man or one who understands Ephesians 5:25-30. You can be all that a man needs and still not find a man who wants you just yet.... Is that enough reason to put your life on hold? Certainly not!

Image result for single woman hoping for marriage
Take the plunge, and make the big moves. Move to that new city, take that new job. Live your life as though you may never get married. Marriage is not the fulfilment of your destiny. You don't need a man to walk in the purpose God has designed for you. This is not to say marriage is bad. No, it's not. But it is also not something you sit around and wait for. More often than not, you re likely to meet your partner while walking and working in your purpose. 

A man out there is praying for the woman you will become if you walk in your purpose. A man out there is not praying for a woman who will not be mediocre in her thoughts; whose life does not begin and end with him; a woman who is a force on her own, but with him, they become a movement. Why are you short-changing yourself by avoiding the decisions that could catapult you into the line of sight of such a man?

At His own time, God will bring your companion. Until then, stop suppressing God's directions; stop ignoring your instincts. Stop sitting around saying "I just want to get married" when people ask you what you are doing with your life. XOXO.