
Thursday, June 22, 2017

Actually, Everyday Should be Mother's Day

Discovering myself didn’t happen in a day. Matter of fact there is no way I can talk about discovering myself without mentioning the role my mother played in shaping my life.

For a long time, her voice was the loudest in the crowd, cheering me on even when I couldn’t find any strength or reason within myself to continue.

My mum like most mums took it upon herself to make sure that I started to see myself through her eyes-amazing, gifted, special, talented and every other great adjective you can find. I am her miracle and even when my reality doesn’t give credence to how great she thinks I am, her voice keeps ringing in my head keeping me focused on what matters.

Mothers are gems, they are the most precious and rarest you can ever find. Till you show me something to the contrary, I would stick to my belief that mums are created with a special kind of material different from the average person’s and I mean this well. 
Mum in this context is inclusive of biological and non-biological mothers. I mean we all can’t possibly forget about the contributions of Mother Theresa however way we try.

Now, that I am a mother myself, I find myself rooting shamelessly for my children. I have come to understand that I cannot allow the negativity of this world to get to me, they are capable of all great things and I believe they have the power to move mountains. I have also gotten to realise that moms do not see the limitations in their children-special needs or not, their major work is to bring out the best in their child(s).

I know you may start to wonder where I acknowledge the role of fathers. Well, not to make light of their contributions but this post was inspired by phenomenal women.

A lot has been achieved in our world by the blind faith mothers have in their children. We have witnessed miracles in medicine such as we did in the case of Dr Ben Carson in his book ‘gifted hands’.
He shared how his illiterate mum learnt how to read and write so as to help him better understand his school works- a gesture that was instrumental to him becoming a surgeon of international repute.

More recently, the Marty O Connor case moved me from within my core and further reiterated my belief that mothers are capable of building an entire nation. Marty became quadriplegic since five years ago, a condition that has left in paralysed from the shoulders down. He desired to add more professional qualifications to his portfolio but wouldn’t have been able to fulfil some aspects such as writing exams or taking notes in class.

This inadequacy of his was filled by his mum who wheeled him to every class for two years and helped with note taking. He graduated with an MBA and his mum was also awarded an honorary degree for her dedication.

Many mums achieve feats that never get recorded in the news every day and while it may seem like a thankless job sometimes, the world is a better place because of these super humans among us.

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