
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Have you had that talk with your child? Yes, about the birds and the bees?

Some Christian parents do not think it is necessary to talk about the birds and the bees when their children come of age. They think the children should only know Bible stories. Trust me, if you are one of such parents, you are living in a dream world.

By the way, "The Birds and the Bees" is an English-language idiomatic expression and euphemism that refers to courtship and sexual intercourse. The "Birds and the Bees talk" (sometimes known simply as "The Talk" is generally the event in most children's lives in which the parents explain what sexual relationships are.

Here are some of the excuses parents give for not talking to their children about the birds and the bees.
  • I will like to preserve my child's innocence. I don't want my child to know too much about sex at a tender age because he or she may become promiscuous too much information is given. Note, Innocence is a function of attitude, not information.
  • Talking about sex is awkward. I don't think I can look my child straight in the eyes and talk about the reproductive organs of males and females and what they do. You will need to overcome this awkwardness because it is your duty and if you can have this talk with your child, there is nothing he or she will likely hide from you. 
  • Our parents didn't have this "talk" with us and we turned out good. Wake up! Those were those days and these are these days. Times have changed. If you don't have this talk with your child and let your child be comfortable talking about this topic with you, he or she will learn of it somewhere else and some facts might be distorted.

  • Some other parents may say, they will be taught sex education in school so I will leave it to the teachers. Note that this may be too late and if your child is not attending a Christian School, he or she may be given the wrong teaching.
Here is what Focus on the Family recommends when you want to have this talk with your child;

As you ponder the process of communicating to your school-age child about sex, remember that the primary message you need to give him — more important in the long run than the specific facts and figures — is the importance of respect:
  • Respect for the body each of us has been given and for the Creator of that body.
  • Respect for the wonder of reproduction.
  • Respect for privacy in sexual matters, not only his own, but parents', friends' and others'.
  • Respect for his future and an understanding that sexual activity can have a profound effect on his health and happiness for the rest of his life.
  • Respect for marriage as the appropriate context for sexual expression.
Think in terms of a gradual and relaxed release of information to your child: During the preschool years, begin with the basic naming of body parts and a general understanding of where babies come from, and before puberty begins, progress to full disclosure of the reproductive process.
Puberty is the time in life when a boy or girl becomes sexually mature. It is a process that usually happens between ages 10 and 14 for girls and ages 12 and 16 for boys. But in some cases, it can be earlier. For instance, if your daughter starts menstruation before 10, you should progress to full disclosure of the reproductive process

Remember: The best place for a child to learn about sexuality is at home from those who care most about him or her.

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